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tv   The Weekend  MSNBC  April 28, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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>> welcome back to the weekend, everyone. week three of donald trump's 2016 election interference trial. kicks off in about 48 hours. michael collins former banker gary is expected to be back on the stand on tuesday and the rest of the witness list has been kept under wraps. prosecutors feared trumps attacks might have a chilling effect on testimony. on that note, another hearing on
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donald trump's potential new gag order that will take place this coming thursday. joining us not to break it all down is msnbc legal analyst mary mccord. she's a former attorney general for the national security division. she's a cohost of the podcast here at msnbc, prosecuting donald trump. greetings, mary. >> hello, good morning. >> well, well, well, okay, so, let's back up for a second. because, let's assume everyone was following it, how we were to see on friday afternoon left on a cliffhanger. what is happening this -- where did we leave off? and where we going? >> i think the prosecution made a good decision to start with david pecker, right? he was able to give a narrative of how this entire catch and kill scheme was originated back in 2015. how does executable through the payoffs of the doorman, the payoffs of karen mcdougal and ultimately his refusal on behalf
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to actually pay off stormy daniels and thing you have to do this, michael cohen, i'm not going to going to do anymore for stories i can't even run because it was not in his economic interest, of course, the payoff and kill stories. he did that purely as part of this deal he had with donald trump and mr. cohen. i think that for the jury, because remember, you want the jury to understand everything and then you can get into the further details. so, this is going to ultimately culminate in explaining how the fraudulent records covered up the whole scheme and covered up his attempt to avoid campaign violations. that is mr. trump's attempt. remember, one key point there is david pecker acknowledged that he was aware of the fact that when you catch and kill stories for a candidate, like mr. schwarzenegger back in california, that can be a campaign-finance violation because you are providing something of value without reporting it.
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i think he set the stage really, really well. on cross-examination, there were attempts to make him seem like he maybe had a faulty memory and also just seem like oh, this is business as usual, everything is normal but i think he pushed back on that pretty effectively. i wasn't in the courtroom, but based on the reporting that seems to be the case. >> pecker affirmed that he to violate campaign law. i posited to you that as a trumped offense, perhaps he said the jury, look, prosecutors federal brought the underlying charges against me, how would you charge me with this federal crime? you pushed back on that of why that defense really should not work, right? >> yes, fire the prosecutors and i would ask the judge for ruling that the defense cannot argue to the jury that
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prosecutors chose not to actually bring the charges of election fraud or tax fraud in state court or that the federal government neglected or declined to bring charges for federal campaign-finance violations and i will say the judge on that latter point, the judge did already rule on that as one of the pretrial motions was asking him to say you cannot argue that the federal government, the u.s. attorney's office, decided not to prosecute and the judge agreed with that. i think the argument is saying even we talk about the state declining to prosecute those charges. they will say that's not actually relevant to anything that this jury needs to decide. those are legal decisions that are made by the prosecutor. they have nothing to do with the facts. moreover, the only proof required to prove felony fraudulent business records is that the business records were falsified in order to cover up or conceal what the intent to conceal another crime. you don't have to prove that the other crime was completed
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or even, frankly, started but that it was an intent to conceal. intent is everything here. >> pecker testimony established intent. >> that's right. >> this entire operation was intending to protect donald trump the candidate. >> let's look forward to this coming week. you and have gary, he already testified that michael: prepared to open an llc. yes of the entities associated with political fundraising, political action committee and if cohen had acted just he would've said that would trigger additional review of the account. put that in nonlegal context for me and what more do you think we will hear in this coming week? >> well, as a banker, of course, there is a reason they have those forms because their lawyers tell them you better have these forms because they want to make sure the bank is never complicit and every -- in any kind of criminal violation. so, obviously we will come back
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to this when michael cohen testifies and he will, i'm sure, explain why he answered no to that question when he opened up this account in order to use it to make these payments to stormy daniels. so, for mr. farro i think he is a business records type of witness. i think it's possible that there were some discussions that they had about the real purpose. it doesn't sound like that is the case. so, i don't expect him to be a particularly lengthy witness on tuesday unless there are things i'm not aware of it he's going to testify about and then we will move on to cross- examination. >> it has an interesting corollary with the question you are asked about ami. inasmuch as we are looking at this as it relates to donald trump and donald trump protecting donald trump there other institutions that needed to protect themselves from donald trump's lies.
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>> that's right. when you do business with donald trump, i mean, even putting ourselves back at that time, he is well known to not always pay his bills and to, you know, do whatever is in his interest. my suspicion is that -- i think that's why so few banks actually made loans to him, right? my suspicion is that, you know, bankers and others with legitimate businesses, they need to be careful and their lawyers are probably saying you need to be really careful here. >> mary, okay, donald trump continues to post on this social media site. he -- and about the judge, but the case, he is telling -- his side is going through social. he is telling non-truths on truths. he has attacked witnesses. he is in violation of the gag order, plain and simple. for regular people, he is in violation. the legal folks, you've got to bring us a stack like this in
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front of the judge and go to the hearing and say, judge, exhibit a, b, c, d, efghijklmnop, we are asking for fine. what the what? i mean, what the what? on thursday this is happening. on thursday, they are going to hear this gag order hearing another one more. >> she made the argument that her theory is that some of this has to do with marchand's awareness that this could get kicked to an appellate court met everything needs to be locked up tight if that is to be the scenario and that is why he is being meticulous and somewhat overly cautious with the gag order. >> certainly that's a consideration. the weight this is being prosecuted is contempt of court. it has the same burden as a regular criminal prosecution beyond a reasonable doubt, right? this is why in the hearing last week he kept asking todd blanche, representing donald trump, because todd lynch was saying all that mr. trump was doing is responding to political
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attacks and he would say what political techs? name one. he couldn't do it, right? he's building this record. he's building this record. i thought he built that record on tuesday. i'm not really sure why he hasn't ruled yet on that except that potentially when the prosecution came in i guess it was thursday morning with additional violations, maybe thought we will have the hearing before i issue a ruling building up even more of a record but i do think it is troublesome to wait this long because there is a shot across the bow. mr. trump certainly knows that the prosecutors won't hesitate to seek more findings of contempt. the judge takes it seriously. he holds his hearing. one would think that that would cause mr. trump to temper what he says or change what he says but i do think it is important that the judge make a ruling here. >> it's meeting the moment,
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have to say. >> the thousand dollar fine won't matter. the question is what next? i wondered if the judge says, i dunno, if new york is that 18 hours, 24 hours, pretrial detention, suspended, but if you do it again, triggers it. what comes after the $1000 fines? it's not going to stop drum. >> i think that also may be something merchan is thinking. once i hit the finds the next step is going to be, you know, detention and, really, we are not talking about pretrial detention in the sense that i'm revoking your conditions of release because this wasn't brought as a condition of release. this is a penalty for your contempt. i think the judge -- i think the prosecutors will be hesitant to ask for. that's why they haven't asked for it yet. it's a big, big deal and in many ways donald trump wants them to do it. he wants to fundraise on and say he's the victim and it's a weapon eyes justice system, et cetera et cetera. his political appointee is asking for them to be put in jail.
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i also think it is logistically extremely difficult, right? we have amanda under secret service protection. it's a big disruption to the system in new york city. he could be kept at the courthouse but it is a lot of things that i think a lot of people don't really want to happen. once you've had fines, that's the next thing. i think your proposal and i've heard others say this, what about saying i'm imposing it but i'm suspending it and, you know, you can essentially rehabilitate yourself and then i will reconsider whether, you know, -- >> donald trump rehabilitating himself. that's quite a sentence. >> i don't think it can be done. the system is literally allowing -- if i could channel my inner michael steel, they are allowing him to get away with it again. we are all being played. donald trump is playing us. being played. mary, you're not being played though. you're going to stick around. we want to talk about this batch of fake 2020 -- well, not fake, 2020 electors in arizona.
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they're going to meet some consequences. michigan, we have some other thoughts. stay with us. stay with us. ♪♪ an all-in-one cleaning tool, with a 360-degree swivel head that goes places a regular mop just can't. ♪♪ mop smarter with the swiffer powermop. they need their lawn back fast and you need scotts turf builder rapid grass. it grows grass 2 times faster than just seed alone. giving you a stronger lawn. smell that freedom, eh?
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serves as the republican national committee senior counsel for, get ready for this, election integrity. rudy giuliani and mark meadows were also indicted according to nbc news. their names are still redacted in the original documents. trump himself was not charged in the scheme but he was referred to as unindicted co- conspirators are one. mary mccord is back with us. >> y'all, i the real question but christina bobb wrote a book that says stealing your vote, the inside story of the 2020 election and what it means for 2024. >> question on the state prosecutions. we know donald trump swish at least is to get re-elected president of the united states and, somehow, use the department of justice but we have the georgia state case, we have the alvin bragg state case now there's arizona and michigan though he is not named. let's just assume donald trump
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shreds the constitution, if you were to get re-elected, and pumps the brakes on federal, what reach does he have on the state charges or do those just lumber along? >> well, he has no ability to issue pardon for state charges. he is not charged in either michigan or arizona. he is in georgia, as we discussed. he cannot pardon himself from the georgia -- >> in new york. >> and new york. but that one will be done. part of it will happen after convictions and he can't pardon himself from that. he can't pardon the other people as well. it is also certainly possible that in arizona they could make him indicted for conspiracy one as opposed to unindicted co- conspirator one. >> what would tip that? >> so, i don't really see that happening. i'm saying it is possible because i think they would've done that if they were going to do that. i'm not entirely sure what the calculus was there other than maybe there are four pending criminal cases. we just don't want to over politicize this case as being
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just another effort to go after trump when there is no possibility getting to trial before the election. i do think one thing that will be different this time and one reason this accountability is so important, michigan, arizona, georgia and my organization represented the legitimate electors and wisconsin, a civil case against wisconsin electors who resolve that case admitted that what they had done was, you know, not right and the joe biden wanted that promise to never do this again and lawyers did as well. what's important about that accountability is i don't think we're going to see another fraudulent elector scheme, right? certainly these people are not going to take that chance again and i think others will learn, you know what? if our candidate is not the declared winner in our state, we should not be meeting and voting and sending our votes up and pretending like they are real. >> skip the fraudulent elector stage. >> well, can i say one thing about that, those folks were held accountable but i think
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about micah johnson, the current speaker of the house who's on the phone with donald trump just about every day around this scheme talking to him about this and how do we know this because he himself at the time was tweeting it out and updating us about his conversations on his podcast. he was a cheerleader and a supporter and i wouldn't go so far as to say an architect but definitely a steward of this scheme and these challenges. he is not the only one. there other members of congress here. >> other members of congress and other members of the trump team whose names might not be as familiar to all of us. >> that's right. there hasn't been accountability for those in congress who, you know, perpetuated the whole fraudulent election scheme to begin with and then did put pressure on states to send up their own slates of electors. one thing that's good about the arizona indictment that is different from michigan is they have expanded it to include not
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just the fraudulent electors but also those who are close to trump and a part of his campaign. i do think they missed a key person and that is trump campaign attorney jim out of wisconsin. he was a trump campaign attorney in wisconsin. he's the one that brought ken into wisconsin, originally to help with recount legislation -- litigation. he indicted and pleaded guilty in georgia. he is unindicted co-conspirator number four in this arizona indictment. he is the one who wrote all of the memos setting up this fraudulent elector scheme. this never would've happened if james and wisconsin had not brought him in and said would you help with this wisconsin litigation and within four days ken was saying, you know? there could be an alternate slate of electors that shows up on january 6th or state legislatures could send up an alternate slate and i could
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throw things in chaos in the house on january 6th which would throw the vote to the house under the 12th amendment, one vote for state, trump wins. he was a part of this plan from the beginning. he asked him write me some memos on this. he sent those memos up to the campaign headquarters, justin clark, finley, other people mentioned in the arizona indictment, they loved it and george epstein who is indicted in arizona says can you do this and all the swing states and they said yes. >> your point is a fair one. if you're a fake elector facing culpability or your protester charge of the crime, you're not going to do that again. however, if you're the trump campaign, fewer mike johnson if you're ted cruz, however it is on the hill and within the campaign, you're figuring out how you can do it again. they will do this again. >> you have the integrity election lawyer charged with
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election fraud. >> they manipulated down the line republican activists were culpable and responsible for their own behavior but they got sold this theory. they will get sold another theory. it'll just look at different but they will plan to do it again. >> and possibly be more careful this time. possibly not send these memos over email, right? so, yes, it's a danger. >> mary mccord, as always, thank you so much for being with us. we will hear much more from mary on the prosecuting donald trump podcast which she cohosts with none other than andrew wiseman. they provide analysis of david testimony in the new york trial. you can scan the qr code right there on your screen to download and listen right now for free. jared moscowitz is at the weekend table to talk all things 2024 and the split screen of seeing donald trump on trial and biden on the campaign trail. >> i would like to point out it's after 10:00 p.m., sleepy joe is still awake. while donald trump has spent
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the past week falling asleep in court every morning. so, fox news said he was just being anti-woke. my own studio. and with the right help, i can make this place i love even better. earn up to 5% cash back on business essentials with the chase ink business cash card from chase for business. i love your dress. oh thanks! i splurged a little because liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. that's great. i know, right? i've been telling everyone. baby: liberty. did you hear that? ty just said her first word. can you say “mama”? baby: liberty. can you say “auntie”? baby: liberty. how many people did you tell? only pay for what you need. jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ baby: ♪ liberty. ♪
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♪ you don't... ♪ ♪ you don't have to worry... ♪ ages the only thing we have in common. my vice president actually endorses me. >> [ applause ] >> i had a great stretch since the state of the union. donald has had a few tough days lately. you might call it stormy weather. what the hell? >> president biden making a few jokes. he really did hit in the room last night about his rivals and his rivals expense at last night's white house correspondents' dinner. the president also got serious
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and he warned about the very real dangers of a second trump term. we played that's on three. joining is not to discuss it now is democratic congressman jared moskowitz of florida who is in the room last night. good to see you. >> pleasure. thanks for having me. >> congressman, i'm very aware that most people are not following, they don't have the luxury of following all of this the way that we all do. we have young kids, your stepmom, you know, the tv is turned to blue e, it's not turn to the donald trump trials most of the day. i do think though that the environment we now find ourselves in, even if you are not watching it minute to minute, there is a generalized sense that trump is now in the court of law, that that is his context and whether or not you know the details of it, it puts him in the critical -- criminal light and joe biden is on the trail, out there selling the accomplishments of his administration and doing the work of being president of the united states.
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even if you just know that top line that already creates a pretty sharp contrast. >> i think you can see that and how the communications has changed over the last couple of months both from the president and the campaign, president trump. president trump is talking about how the court room is cold. it's super cold, right? they're doing it on purpose. can't seem to get the temperature correct. that's what he's talking about. biden is talking about what he is done for the country and what is going to do. i don't even know what trump's agenda is for the future. he doesn't talk about that. he talks about himself and the courtroom. that is one of the things that you are saying. now the president be as messaging you're seeing the polling starting to move. >> whether or not is a criminal culpability, whether it's the economy going in the right direction, all the things up with the wind and biden sales right now, there is a rumbling out there that i don't think we have talked about a lot. there is a confidence among many
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, in fact, your colleague jamie raskin said joe biden is going to win this thing big and you could see jamie harrison saying, like, joe biden is doing very well but there is this thinking among a lot of democrats, you've got to work it but joe biden is going to win this race big and it is a contravention. certainly to some of the poles we have seen but also the conventional wisdom that this is neck and neck. where do you come down on forecasting november? >> joe biden is going to win the race, right? we shouldn't take anything for granted. we should look at trump's trouble in the courtroom and think at this moment in time it's where were going to be in september or october. i think the biting campaign is in full swing. they're raising the money. they're talking to the american people. they're talking about the accomplishments.
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they're talking about the struggles like the price of food and the price of gas is still an issue. what are we going to do about that? rather than trump saying here's the problem with no solution, joe biden is talking about the solutions. democrats can be confident that we have to put the work in. >> those of the managed expectations of a florida democrat. >> well, i did serve in the my nordy in my entire life in the legislature. >> let's follow up on florida. six week abortion back -- band goes into effect. there's a ballot that says no law can converge on abortion services if pre-viability or the health of the mother is in question. is florida in play in november? >> well, i think it is in play because of the ballot initiatives. make no mistake about it. without those ballot initiatives, i don't think florida is in play. florida's now red state. four years ago, democrats had a 200,000 voter difference more register at -- now it's 900,000. republicans have invested a ton
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of money. this was happen when you're on my nordy in leadership for 35 years. it has repercussions. they have gerrymandered the seats. they control everything. the house, the senate, the whole cabinet. they made a mistake to the six week band. they are to the right of donald trump on the six week band. who are they appealing to? the flatterers? i don't understand who that was for, the six week band. they have a lot in common as far as what their policy is towards women. we hope there is a big vote. they've got it at 60%. what people in florida need to understand, they have a choice. it's either six weeks because the court said that was okay unless they vote for the constitutional amendment. this is florida's chance to get rid of a six week abortion ban. >> six week is before most women even know they're pregnant. if i find out i'm pregnant and i have a complication and that has an exception, that's a word i'm not allowed to say on television because children are watching. i just really appreciate what you said about democrats need
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to temper their expectations. you think joe biden's going to win but people are going to have to work for it. i think that a lot of folks do not travel across the country and talk to real people and if you travel across the country and talk to real people, real people want to know what joe biden and vice president harris, what the next administration, another four years means for them. real people want to know what speaker hakeem jeffries and democrats holding the senate means for them and i think democrats have to do more talking about that. the president and vice president, they made their pitch very well. i'm struggling with everyone else saying what they need to say. >> you know this, you are in the messaging business, right? it's there for us to take.
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there is no question about that. we've got to go do that. we've got to take it. we can't sit back and say they are not going to vote for donald trump, right? we have to go out and explain to people what we have done and what we are going to do. no matter the jobs numbers, no matter how inflation is coming down and no matter how the american economy is better than any other country, we've had the best recovery since covid. there are still people struggling. food prices are elevated. we have to talk about what we're going to do about that, right? the cost of living, we have to talk about these things. >> the cost of insurance is crazy. >> if we do that and tell people what we have done what we are going to do, to your point, not everyone is paying attention. if we message and tell them, then we are going to win. >> there is this question of, sort of, what kind of country do want to live in? what you want the office of the presidency to be? there was a moment last night talking about his own grandfather and his grandfather having voted for president biden that crystallize that. >> my grandfather, a staten island firefighter, voted for you, mr. president.
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he voted for you in the last election that he ever voted in. i mean, i'm sure someone else will vote twice in the selection using his name but that's how the democratic machine works. he voted for you and the reason that he voted for you, is because you are a decent man. >> could we put a parenthetical in here which is i worry that that just gets clipped to be the thing about this is how the democratic machine works other people who don't understand that that is satire.
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putting that aside, the line he lands on, they're all these policy issues you can decide upon, there are threats to democracy, there is extremism, fundamentally, do you want someone decent or indecent leading this country? >> yes, i mean, joe biden is a decent man. he is a family man. his story is triumph over tragedy. his arc is really an unbelievable story that is lost in this moment with everything but i think when people write about it 15, 20, 30 years from now, they look at joe biden dedicating his entire life to service and really stepping up when the country needed someone like that most, both four years ago and again now. right when we are at this pivotal moment, i mean, democracy is on the bow. people are overhearing it or this is the most important election of your lifetime but if democrats got until people and explain when we say democracy, what does that mean? what is going to change for the opposite? what are you going to lose? what you have now that you're taking for granted that you won't have? we have to make it granular. have to explain how that's going to affect someone in their everyday life rather than the top line democracy. at joe biden is a decent man. think about where we are at right now in the election,
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right? one of the potential vice presidential candidates, right? that was on the shortlist, top three or four, is playing dr. kevorkian with her puppy. >> she shot the dog and the goat. >> this is what is going on on that side. she's trying to own the lives. she put it in her book. it didn't leak like we found out about it, she was going to trump. my dog barked, i killed him. that's what's going on right now in the vice presidential search amongst donald trump. decency is on the ballot. >> especially as it relates to your colleagues on capitol hill, you're sticking with us congressman next talking about this political headline the calls you the democratic party's florida man. not to be confused with a different kind of florida man who was name checked at the white house correspondents dinner. >> we are all here tonight at nerd prom.
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well, matt gates is at regular prom. i actually thought i saw matt tonight but it was my own reflection in a spoon.
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and watch it all on the new samsung galaxy s24+, also on us. only on verizon. >> i just think we should do today. let us call for. i will make the motion, mr. chairman. i want to help you out. you can make -- seconded. make the motion to impeach president biden. you seconded. no, nothing. okay, we got nothing. i last couple minutes, i want to show the american people that they are never going to impeach joe biden. it is never going to happen because they don't have the evidence. okay? this is a show. it is all fake. they just want to do these hearings. it's not leading to impeachment.
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>> that was just a taste of what freshman congressman jared moskowitz has unleashed on house republicans since taking office, arguably single- handedly dooming their efforts to impeach president biden. it's part of why politico is now saying that democrats have found their florida man and jared moskowitz. congressman jared moskowitz is back with us. i want to pick up on exactly that clip we just saw because i think alecia and i have spoken about this, there is this question , what ultimately stops the wild, crazy, disinformation on the right and at some point shame and humiliation has to come in as a tactic because to treat it as an equitable mark meant against an argument the democrats are making, one, i think is the wrong way to treat it but a place to a tie when it should not. i think what you engage in in that hearing room is critically important for the american people. >> first, let me give credit to jamie raskin who's going to be the next chairman of oversight and maxwell frost, jasmine crockett, robert garcia, there's a whole team, dan goldman, it's been a whole team
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effort. i think akeem jeffries, leader jeffries field -- figured out that they're putting together this tv committee and they're going to try to sell this to the american people and we realize, listen, we can come up there and try to be as professional as we can with logic and reason but if they're going to make this into a show, we have to participate in that and i think we have done that, right? it turns out in order to impeach a president you have to have evidence. who knew? they have had none. it got to a point where it was super clear that they were running out of room and i think democrats, i knew when i called for that vote, i knew he would look at me like a deer in the headlights. it turns out republicans shouldn't pick their chairman based on how much money they raise. they should pick their chairman based on ability. >> there moved to same face be a criminal referral? would they have the votes for criminal referral? >> they might have it in committee, right?
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that committee is built away but they're not going to have that in the house. there's no way they're going to have that in the house. that is why it's not happening, right? where's the criminal referral? comber sent a letter to the president inviting him to committee like that was going to happen. >> they were like were not coming. were done. please stop. >> the last time hunter biden showed up i was like he's here, any questions? they were like no. >> what is applicable from the success you've had in derailing this? >> i think a lot of us, right? have figured out that messaging has changed in today's politics. you have to try to break through and in a way, i think at least for myself what i've tried to do is there is plenty of meanness in these committees, yelling and shouting. i try not to do any of that. i've tried to bring more of the daily show or weekend update with sarcasm, with humor, right? going to shame them, right? with a calm voice, without yelling and screaming or name- calling and i think that is breaking through the on the regular news cycles. >> house republican conference, willing to go through all these hijinks, now facing the question of whether or not mike
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johnson survives the vote and it likely comes down to whether democratic members like you decide to bail him out. what's the temperature on that? >> look, we will wait for a leader jeffries to figure out that solution but i've said this before and i think there are other members who feel the same way, the idea of allowing marjorie taylor green, someone who literally would let the world burn with her isolationist foreign policy who has talked about states seceding from the union, right? the idea of letting her sit in the people's house and the well of congress and giving a speech, removing any speaker and having the powerful moment, there is just no way democrats are going to let her do that. i'm not going to let her do that. we won't let her name a post office. we're not going to let her take out the speaker. >> i think a little may december romance between house
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democrats and johnson is okay. you don't have to marry the guy but he can't do you any harm between now and the end of the year and then you own the guy as well. whatever happens, i don't think he is speaker come january largely because it's jeffries but second he won't have the vote -- votes. >> i don't think you will have the votes in january among his own conference. my question continues to be about people like speaker johnson and any other republican that wants to do well on tuesday and got me side eyeing them on a thursday. is this a moment or is this a real movement? speaker johnson is one of the chief cheerleaders of the inspection. chief cheerleaders of the fake electors being -- scheme. he stood up to the crazies in the house conference this past week on ukraine aid and humanitarian aid for gaza and other places and taiwan and so on so forth. is he going to stand up to the crazies again throughout the rest of the year? is he going to stand up to donald trump? >> i think you're right. i think it's a moment. we know who he is. we know his record. we know what we have, right? i mean but at the end of the day, as we get through
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congress, what is left? we have to keep the government open in september. we have faa reauthorization but that might be it, right? let's not pretend we have been doing so much at congress. >> you been so busy. >> got a break, are you running for governor and p 26? >> we have to see what the data looks like. we have to see how the election works between biden and trump have to see what the data looks like. democrats have a big choice. if republicans outnumber us by million votes and democrats want to have a real chance in winning, it's going to take a democrat who can appeal to the independents and even some republicans. i work for republican there, right? i would know how to do that. we are a long ways away. >> not you burying the lead. i just want to know when ron desantis was on the ballot on the first election against, oh, my goodness, andrew gillum, andrew lost that election by very, very, very, very small margin. it is possible, you going to
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have to come back when you make a decision. we come back when you make a decision? >> i will come back when i make a decision. >> we look forward to having you. thank you very much. give us the t on the news. morehead, folks, you are watching the weekend. hing the it gets three jobs done at once - kills weeds. prevents crabgrass. and keeps it growing strong. download the my lawn app today for lawn care tips and customized plans. feed your lawn. feed it.
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wear to show your support. tiffany: anybody and everybody that contributes anything to this place, no matter if it's a big business or just the grandmother that donates once a month, they are changing people's lives. and that's a big deal. [music playing] so, let me see if i can summarize where this race stands at this moment. the republican candidate for president owes half 1 billion in fines for bank fraud and is currently spending his days forwarding himself awake during
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a star hush money trial and the race is tied? >> laying out the state of the 2024 presidential race. if you're the dnc, do you just cut that an error it? >> i continue to say, poor joe biden, he is to continue to be in this race with this crazy man. yet the races tied? america, what are we doing? we have to wake up. pay attention. >> i thought was interesting everyone felt the need to restate the race. >> the pretext for the show is the capstone which is last night how quickly biden went from humor to the stakes of this race and of democracy and then the contrast that you pointed out and others about the decency of joe biden versus donald trump because there are certain things you do not have to make commercials about, you know, the 67% of the country that showed up for democrats
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and '18 and '20 and '22 rejected the indecency of donald trump. joe biden, being my head against the wall when i talk to people and think how the villain is joe biden. to suggest he's part of a child family pushing grooming and pedophilia? this guy you saw last night was making fun of his own age? this is the villain that you are worried about? fortunately, i think a lot of voters see through it and it's why democrats are healthy. >> it's completely unfortunate. can i just -- i'm also glad, i'm struck by it should not be special or notable that the president can set up there and take jokes about himself and not take it personally. i remember when donald trump was a citizen trump and went to white house correspondents' dinner, the president at the time made jokes about him and it offended him so much they say he ran for president. >> it motivated him. >> they say he was radicalized. >> your point about the way in which joe biden has been -- >> characterized. >> not characterized.
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caricatured. one of the lines was about who is trying to take your reproductive rights away? the guy who is currently sitting in a courtroom on a hush money case or the eight- year-old catholic? there is a lot of what he captures, a lot of upside down to this moment. >> look, we wrongly conflate age as a factor in this. i think the country would rather have an older president with an ideology and governing philosophy for the next 20 years in a president looking to go back 20 years and that is the context. >> or dictator or president would like to be a king because that's what donald trump is looking for. >> it has been so wonderful to have you with us. as you mentioned, -- >> david jolly was -- >> [ laughter ] as the show
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mom, i just want to say in cahoots with all the other show mom that our executive producer, kyle griffin, had his first cover story. let's pull that out. >> this was a nice shot by the way. glamour moment. >> that title, working for the weekend, if you have a chance to read it, it's a really great story about how one ends up in journalism when you are just a nerdy theater kid and the commitment of facts and truth. >> i feel like the world has only seen his face. [ laughter ] >> let me tell you, so -- >> it's true, i know you from twitter. >> he treats his own tweets, y'all. will be in a meeting and it's like, kyle, how did you get the tweet up? how is it up? >> he is doing it. >> that's a wrap. >> coming up at the top of the hour, joined by two of the tennessee three state representatives. justin jones and gloria johnson. they weigh in on the new law that allows public school teachers to bear arms in their state. we will be right back. back.
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