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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  April 28, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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♪ ♪ ♪ fight for liberation bring the whole thing down. quick as these are some of the scenes unfolding on college campuses yesterday. americans are bracing for another week of anti- israel protest at universities across the country. just moments ago a white house official confirmed to fox news president biden will speak to israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu today. this comes as a president faces increasing pressure over his handling of the israel hamas war. welcome to a brand-new hour of "fox news live" i am arthel neville. hi eric. eric: hello or when thank you for joining us in america on college campuses not t going ple the protests have been raging. last night white house correspondents dinner, was swarmed by demonstrators outside the washington hilton. they condemn the president the administration for his handling of the a really/hamas war they
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shouted shame on you and free palestine as the guest made the winter swanky and exclusive event. arthel: texas republican congressman pat fallon is standing by with his reaction on that. eric: first fox team covering begins that white house with more on last nights disruptions. hite lucas. >> that is right or chilly reception for president biden showed up at the white house correspondents dinner last night. once inside it was a night filled with jokes. >> age is nothing we have in common. my bison p vice president actuay endorses me. [laughter] [applause] i had a great str stretches in e state of the union. donald has had a few tough days lately. you might call it stormy weather. [laughter] [laughter] trump is so desperate he started reading those bibles.
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>> among the hundreds of protesters that gathered outside, some enchanted genocide at joe and carried signs to match. some lay down on the street to block traffic briefly disrupting the path of the partygoers. marching up from george washington university has a center protest here in the nation's capitol. just five blocks in here at the white house. inside the dinner for washington's elite president biden was also on the receiving end of some of those jokes. gross is excited to be appear on stage with president biden. mostly to see if i could figure out where obama was pointy strings of rome. it's not easy following president biden. it's not always easy following what he is saying. [laughter] >> eric, last night at the correspondents dinner our former colleague ed lewis was honored with the lifetime achievement award photojournalists here at the white house for decades and retired last year. i'm going to highlight these accomplishments. it's back to work for president
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biden as you mention off the top the president will be having a phone call with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu later today. eric: congratulations of course and best wishes to ed. it's not just late-night of laughs but raises $3 million for a young journalist. it is a very good cause. thank you lucas. arthel: good work indeed. nearly 200 more anti- israel protesters were arrested on four college campuses last night per this means a total of at least a 900 have reportedly been arrested across the country since these demonstrations began at columbia university april 17. students taken into custody or calling for amnesty to keep the arrests from following them later in life. go to senior correspondent steve harrigan is life at columbia university in new york city. >> the majority of the 200 arrests took place at university in boston many arrested but
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outsiders. university issued the following statement began as a student demonstration two days ago was infiltrated by professional organizers no affiliation to northeastern. last night the use of anti-semitic slurs including kill the jews across the line. we cannot tolerate this type of hate on our campus. the arrests also made overnight at arizona state university protesters and indiana university. back here at columbia university many jewish students say they feel the need to hide their identity. >> i deafly would not walk on lake shore areas where the star of david. i would tuck it in and for sure holidays like passover i like to wear it but a tone that down because it definitely not the best idea. >> colombia officials they have ended the suspension for almost
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all the students who were arrested by police last week. arthel, back to you. arthel: alright steve harrigan will take it back here. thank you very much. eric: marley protest texas republican congressman pat fallon as a member of the house oversight and armed services committee. welcome. what you think officials and campus academia should do about the protesters? >> they should act with strength. if you are repeatedly ignoring directives lawful directives to be at university you should be removed. and if you are a student you should be expelled. that would stop these illegal protests very quickly but if you are not a part of the university you should be, you are trespassing you should be arrested and prosecuted. but they are trying to negotiate their letting the inmates run the asylum. the present will not even condemn the genocidal chant of from the river to the sea. a force i'm not all that surprised. eric: why do you think to these
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students are so misguided? they say they're not just pro- palestinian protest but pro- hamas approach us. you think of the 1930s and 40s thethere protesting for the naz? >> no. that is the thing that is scary. a left-wing academia is so left wing and so radical. i'm not talking left of center with the present the united states should do joe biden should show strength for a change he should have a nationally televised address they should ask certain questions than answer them. what would you have israel do after october 72 they have a right to defend yourself does israel have a right to exist? all of those things those questions are yes. do you condemn hamas you condemned the october 7 attack because these protesters clearly don't. i have asked them and they cannot answer these questions. like to talk to them yourself? >> yes d.c. is living with them but they followed us around, scream at us in the hallways they have cameras up i don't
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mind the peaceful protest. that is fine they have a right to be that when you try to engage them and have civil discourse they scream because they don't have answers. they're very misguided it's sad and quite frankly dangerous. eric: what do they tug due date note river to the sea means when they sate free gossip from the occupation do they actually realize it is a terrorist, a murderous terrorist group hamas that has occupied gaza, not israel? >> they have no answers. it is ridiculous. you try to have this conversation does israel have a right to exist and they will not answer and they will say it's illegal occupation and they scream far left of talking points. i want to ask them their 7 million people in israel they're not going to all disappear the idf is not targeting purposefully targeting yet hamas is it's the ones committing genocide if they
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could but they can't and israel can but doesn't s shipper they don't get that. >> all-american support academic freedom and the right to protest peacefully of course. freedom of speech we can add diverse views as were the beauties of the tapestry of america. and then you've got pro- terrorist. what will get through their thick heads to realize what they are saying? >> we should send college students to gaza and let them protest in gaza. if hamas does not agree they will see who hamas really is. as a palestinian if you try to stand up to hamas will have the half life of a fruit fly part you'renot going to last for like that's what totalitarian regimes do they cannot tolerate dissent. and the sad thing is we have had 5200 instances of anti- somatic
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rhetoric and incidences in this country recently. 1317 protests. many of which start to parroting anti-semitic vitriol. it is getting to be dangerous and we need leadership from the president. you know why? his two state solution is michigan pennsylvania. eric: let me bring you back to the president san francisco statement back in the 1960s during the antiwar protests, at one point he's the president of the university pulls out the wires from a loudspeaker of some of the demonstrators. do you think some of the college administrators can get some lessons from him who went on to serve in the senate for the golden state in terms of dealing with the protesters as opposed to letting them run rampant? >> the protesters are bullies. these protesters are bullies are going to be emboldened by
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weakness. we've got to show strength. where i attended 30 plus years ago they were protesters trying to take over the administration building the president came down and said anybody see after 5:00 p.m. you are expelled. there is no one here at 5:00 p.m. so show some strength. if you want to have a protests, legal ones, you get a permit and you be civil. you do not attack jewish students who by the way had nothing to do with policy of the israeli government number one. and number two, as we said before israel does have a right to exist. they have a right to defend themselves and they are not that bad guys here it is hamas. this are the holding october 7. this all length at the feet of these terrorists. eric: congressman pat fallon thank you. notre dame alumnus you know about pizza in south bend, indiana. [laughter] >> it is so good. justright just tookmy sons ther. [laughter] eric: tell the demonstrators there's a rocco's at pizza, it is free when they leave lock the
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gate. congressman pat fallon, thank you. >> thanks. arthel: everybody's hungry now. listen there is some serious news out of the weather department as a path of destruction left behind a massive tornado outbreak sweeping the heartland this weekend. fox weather has confirmed at least two people were killed. one reportedly an infant as twisters ripped across oklahoma yesterday. millions of americans still face the threat of severe weather. we do have team coverage for you. meteorology adam klotz with a live look at the forecast. first we with a two weather correspondent valdes. she is alive and hard-hit elkhorn, nebraska. how's it looking today? >> arthel, sadly another day of cleanup left the suburb just outside of omaha. decimated here at so many homes as you see behind me a sliver of
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hope in the form of an army of volunteers will show you earlier what we saw spending their weekend helping neighbors, friends and family sometimes even strangers pick up the pieces of their lives be ripped to shreds for many hundreds of families to get nebraska. you mentioned oklahoma. just more recently you mention the two deaths our stopped thoughts are still with them as they get the first images of devastation there. officials really focusing in on the fact despite the a level of disruption you see here around us, no one lost their lives. every family here survived. the date ran from that storm are took shelter from the basement. people here are so thankful to hear that. chaplains are taking their time
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going door-to-door checking on people. telling us they are shocked to see everyone survived but also just as relieved. listen here. >> a lot of miracles out here. you look at this kind of devastation you expect to have loss of life or severe injuries. right now we are only hearing minor injuries. >> you can see it around us of. .you can hear it around us. you see everyone bringing everything they can to try to help those families who truly have nothing left start to pick up the pieces. make sure they have a resources to get through the very difficult next few days. arthel: let's hope the fema and insurance companies act quickly. fox weather nicole bell doesn't elkhorn, nebraska great thank you so much you are near omaha thank you para. >> a big question with the heartland see it through a day of tornadoes. meteorologist adam klotz in the weather center. >> unfortunately we might not be
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done yet. we may be backing down just a little bit. the last several date storm reports every one of the icons as a tornado. 126 tornado reports of the last several days. we've got a set up you could see similar here today but we do a shift in the bull's-eye just a little bit. not a lot. this is the area you're looking at severe weather that the maroon color is the highlight of it. that's taken portions of eastern texas more so today that maybe we have seen in some of the previous days. as far as he tornado threat it's too on the scale of five does highlight portions off towards the east of dallas and running ultimately over towards louisiana, shreveport included in this area you see the best risk of seeing severe weather but still, the line is along we are highlighting some the spots a little further south. temperatures are going to increase and ultimately we do see the bigger risk of severe weather. for right now there are thunderstorms out there for those art lightning bolts you are saying sweeping across the region. we have several hours and so should the risk of severe
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weather returning for it so for now, these are the general type of fund with the storms but nothing severe at the moment. there is a lot of moisture there are many storms of the last few days it's been raining a lot. across the entire region the ground is saturated periods and has been going on for days. there's still more rain on the way. ultimately heaviest rain at this point in some of the more southern regions we have seen orange colors particularly around the gulf coast epithets three -- 5 inches on top of what is already fallen in the last several days. so flooding continues to be a concern. not just today but the next couple of days. there it is on the green color sets areas you can see flooding a continuous sunday, into monday but ultimately backing down a little bit tuesday as you start to dry off a bridge still the ground is saturated civil be tracking some of that moisture making its way across the region. then, if you look a little further out we are backing this down a little bit. amonday's forecast includes at least some risk for severe
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weather. some hard-hit areas wrapped on the gulf coast. it is spring for this is the time of year it happens but boy has it been an active year so far. eric: yes it is, and it will continue. thank you. arthel: tuesday begins the second week of the new york versus trump trial. there will also be a hearing of possible punishment for trump's violations of the judges and gag order. a preview of all of what to expect is coming up next. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪)
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eric: a busy week at former president donald trump. balancing the court room and the campaign. a second week of testimony in historic new york criminal campaign interference trial is set to resume on tuesday. on his day off trump omega stops and keep swing states of michigan and wisconsin. cb cotton light outside trump tower in new york city with the very latest on that. , eric you had a front row seat to the trout last week covering it. and as you know jurors will not return to the courtroom next week after having this long weekend to process the first full week of testimony. former president donald trump's criminal trial. a key witness for the prosecution's former tabloid publisher david packer.
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he was on the witness stand for four days last week. publishing company was part of the "catch and kill" scheme former president donald trump and trumps x lawyer. pecker said he agreed to by damaging stories with no intention of ever running them. trumps defense and then elicited testimony from packer trying to show this arrangement was not an usual standard procedure in the tabloid industry. >> david packer helped trump more than hurt him testify the national enquirer buried stories for a whole host of celebrities this was not just donald trump. and killing a story is not a crime. court resumes on tuesday banking associate will likely wrap up his testimony on friday he worked at the bank used by again then trump attorney michael cohen two wire 130,000 dollar
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hush money payment to stormy daniels leading up to the 2016 election. there's a lot of subplots of this trial more of the gag order which prohibits him from speaking publicly about jurors, witnesses, court staff and family members. 6:00 a.m. eastern tomorrow morning love a preview of what's is to come thank you. arthel: your coverage have been excellent for more on this let's bring chris a constitutional law attorney who has worked for the republican national committee and the department of justice in. so, last monday you probably noticed trumps attorney, todd blanche, told the court there's nothing wrong with trying to influence an election.
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it is called democracy. is that true? is that constitutional? or is that a crime? >> absolutely. in this incident you have to understand from the get go this entire prosecution rests on the unconstitutional effort to federalize new york state law that, by turning a low-level misdemeanor if there is even one of those, into eight felony based on a flawed interpretation of federal election law. a lot of people look at this a look at the payments that if it did occur if it didn't have an impact on donald trump's chances to be reelected. but the federal election test and federal laws a test on determining whether that would in fact to be impermissible or not, is not based on whether it could have an impact. instead the federal commission looks at it and says is there
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any other reason, other than the election, and which someone might want to make that payment should. at in this case that is undeniably yes. we have hurt instances of donald trump making other settlement payments in the past. the evidence is there. there were other reasons other than impact the election for him to make this payment. if that were the case. arthel: we just heard greg gerrit say it is not a crime. is it a crime do you agree or disagree? >> it is not a crime but let me flip this on its head. this is the test on it. they will ask on the flipside that would this be an impermissible personal use of campaign funds? you cannot campaign into personal abuse. and here because there is evidence the negotiations with stormy daniels date back to his early as 2012, long before
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president trump was a candidate. there's a lot of evidence this was a personal matter didn't just exist. arthel: let me jump in for just a second period because if the alleged affair took place years ago, but years ago at that point mr. trump was not running for president. the argument is that he wanted to keep her quiet to keep her hushed, if you will. so it would not make it look that in the eyes of the potential voters. >> effect of the matter is those negotiations had occurred long before that. she may have turned up her efforts in the heat as a lead up into election because that in her mind gave her more leverage. that does not get rid of the fact there were other reasons other than the campaign he might have wanted to make that settlement with her. and again, that was into the history of settlements he had made with other individuals. arthel: okay, let me ask you this for i will move on which witness will help defense get
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closer to victory? >> i think pretty much we are seeing testimony from every witness they bring up. if you applied the law in which the way the law actually is supposed to be applied, a lot of these witnesses including a david pecker are helping the defense. i would think that would continue to be the case. i demonstrates a long history of these types of payments. i know they want to get into these salacious details to try to turn the jury on the story overall. when it comes down to it, when you apply the law strictly on how the law should be applied donald trump should not be convicted. >> let me ask you the flipside. who will help prosecutors get closer to victory? >> i think the prosecutor's largely half to rely on the judge in this case.
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because the judge is going to be responsible for interpreting the law for the jurors. that is one reason donald trump was into this chart with one hand tied behind his back. because the judge has already ruled. the judge has ruled what? you want to make sure i'm clear on that. trial trial rulings has not gotten that much coverage. judge has ruled the fence is not going to build put up any experts to testify before the jury what federal election law says. they're not going to provide testimony to federal election commission reviewed complaints in this case to determine whether a violation occurred. did not choose to penalize a village and in that matter. judge merchan ruled the defense cannot provide testimony that the federal prosecutors are looking whether to charge donald
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trump for a federal crime under federal campaign law continue to do so by this a number of pretrial rulings that limit donald trump and his defenses opportunities to go out and make their argument on what was and was not permissible. i think actually judge merchan plays a very critical part in the prosecution case. arthel: and that really quickly, they're going to kill me. would donald trump play a critical role in his own defense? you think you'll take the stand? >> i don't think you'll ultimately take a stand. never say never with president trump this is a case where i am one of his defense lawyers i think there's a number of ways to poke holes in the prosecution's case here.
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i would frankly leave it at that. basically if he gets convicted on a bad interpretation of lot there's many opportunities in this case for it to be appealed. that could be overturned on appeal even if there is a conviction. arthel: we will leave it there constitutional law attorney chris, thank you for joining us. >> thank you for having me. eric: president biting bad polling news. he had him at a historic load. what it says and what it means next right here on fox news live. ♪ i'll be there... ♪ ♪ you don't... ♪ ♪ you don't have to worry... ♪ higher shipping rates may be “the cost of doing business...” but at what cost? turn shipping to your advantage. with low cost ground shipping
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trump supposed a barely coherent barrage of a wild and in accurate claims he also challenged trump to a debates recent polls found rfk junior will get support from both parties but seems to be siphoning more votes from trump than president biden. we'll have more on the back and forth in the live reports in the next hour. >> debate between the two would be interesting. there's another sinking poll for president biden. cnn, their poll shows 39% see the biden presidency is successful so far. 61% seen as a failure. on the other hand 55% of voters view former president trump's presidency as successful. a recent gallup poll shows biden 387% approval rating in the first quarter of 2024. it makes him at least a popular president in last 70 years or so at this point in his presidency. what does all this mean? associate editor of the wall street journal joins us now. so what you think about these
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numbers they don't seem to be getting better for the president. >> that is right. they have not been getting better. this has been pretty consistent for many, many months disapproval with the president. this is informing some the other poll results including wall street journal earlier this month. which found trump was leading in six of seven swing states it. sometimes as much as six percentage points. it also explains a bit biden needs to depend upon. it shows a bit of fracturing. his vote total with the young with black voters a very strong economy it's a broader economy as a benefit for minimum amount of odorant does not see it that way. and the elation caused by code in 2020 and 2021.
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that covid related inflation has receded in some areas but not all. particularly in groceries. while it is a stronger economy the voters said they are very unhappy with biden about the economy. then there is the immigration issue. which was not resolved by this administration. they had for years to work on it. it is still a problem. all of that is weighing against biden parade that is why you see that number. eric: democrats say his successes are not getting across is that the case? >> it is certainly is with the economy. it's hard to blame somebody else for inflation for that is what happened, covid caused inflation inflation. they were supplied changed disruptions, a lot of country shut down for many, many months. factories were closed so prices went up on the goods that were able to get through to the united states. a hard argument to make to people when they go to the grocery store they seek prices
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not having receded. even though inflation and the rock material costs have come down for their going to keep those prices up. but, there are positives provided as well but we are still six months out from the election but has a pretty good a war chest of financing a lot of advertising is going to kick in. he will beat making these appoints parties going to try to reconstitute that coalition. he has the abortion issue works works very well with particularly women voters. complaints the reversal of roe versus wade a former president trump. and the court within the supreme court. older voters are only this month, errant point this out our reporter, appeared more inclined than they have in the past to vote for democrats. the court cases that are still perking along. it is already been convicted,
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trump asserted in convicted of sex abuse and financial fraud i have other four cases. their commentary on character and that is going to matter with voters. some of them are pretty ecd. others are pretty dangerous. he will be able to argue that inflation is down. down to 3% plus from 9% at its worst. a hard argument to make with a lot of grocery prices and certain other prices have not come down. eric: at the president masala site during the white house correspondents dinner calling former president trump donald. hammering a voice in the former presents a danger to democracy. as well as remarks and morals and all of the sort of thing. do you think that will get any attraction with voters? we see a chunk of independence and a chunk of republicans turning their back on the former president. >> yes i think that over time we will see this emphasized in the advertising is going to take
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place now. really hounding away on the character of donald trump. whether or not it works with voters remains to be seen. roughly 15% of voters are tired of both of these candidates. 15% of voters and our poll said they were going to vote for a third-party candidate. our reporter pointed out if you add in the week democratic voter and the weak republican voter that is those of voters who are not the base the hard-core base. their leading democrat, leading republican. if you add that together it's a third of the electric that is potentially still persuadable. that is what the biden campaign is going to go after. at a certain point and gets to be too late. voters tend to make their decisions three, perhaps four months ahead of an election. but there is still time for this to be swayed one direction or the other. right now as you can see in the
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polls they are running neck and neck. eric: jon, good to see you at neck and neck as it continues too. thank you. arthel: erica, a new proposal from egypt reportedly calls for a three week cease-fire in gaza. and the release of israeli hostages. will israel and hamas agreed to it? dr. rebecca grant on that coming up next. ♪ ♪ bounce back fast from heartburn with new tums gummy bites, and love food back. ♪ we're hitting the road, talking to people about their hearts.
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in gaza are growing more critical of hamas. let's bring in doctor rebecca grants. senior fellow at the lexington institute. a lot to get too. if they cannot sign off on the latest proposal. if israel's unplanned attack on trent 17 is not averted is it time for debilitating consequences for hamas leaders and prime minister netanyahu and what should president biden say to the prime minister and their phone call today? >> yes, we are expecting that phone call to take place. all i can say first of all is hamas really should take this deal. this is a handcrafted deal our cia has worked on, qatar, israel, egypt has agreed to it. israel is made some significant concessions this is a deal hamas, when they go back to cairo again they should take this deal. we have not seen them budge in
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the last five weeks. and because of this, israel will keep the pressure on. they are ready to do an invasion into the rafah area. that is their leverage. until we see hamas looking like they're going to sign a deal they will keep the same leverage on. arthel: meanwhile the assault on the people of gaza, it has to stop. one resident described the situation to the wall street journal soap hamas are terrorists. prime minister netanyahu is an elected official. so who does the world hold to a higher standard? thus a greater responsibility to end this conflict. >> it is such a tragedy in gaza. israel must reestablish its security for that's priority number one. also for the by demonstration. you are right it's really time
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to get the cease-fire in place. that is why they want three week cease-fire that will lead to a permanent solution. in that cease-fire if hamas would agree to it the u.s. is ready to put the pier in place. israel's got its place to receive that. central command is continuing to do air drops by the north of gaza. they did that all this week. eric: this great and sounds good i'm sorry, that sounds good but these people are really suffering. it's deplorable and inhumane conditions there. that is why these people are getting desperate. although a majority of the palestinians publicly blame israel, more palestinians are becoming critical of hamas. blaming them for the conflict. i am wondering will the people's outcry be heard? >> i hope so wh to get what youe saying. hamas is done a terrible job in
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gaza. they have really put their people through that suffering. they do not want to release the they do not do well with diplomacy. they know they have lost and they don't know what to do. if they take the cease-fire deal that it's one thing though ease the suffering of the people and hamas actually governs. you see egypt so fully participating here. qatar as well put all of the pressure is for hamas to sign this deal. we will see more as a blinken is in saudi arabia for the world economic forum. obviously he wants to put some diplomacy pieces in place. hopefully leading toward as saudi/israeli recognition and normalization. but the key is hamas cease-fire have got to agree to this. if they don't, israel will go in to rafah. they have an area set aside for humanitarian evacuation for the civilians there and israel will go ahead.
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i would say it right now no one wants that to happen. everyone wants hamas to agree to this three week cease-fire. that is not too much to ask. arthel: not too much to ask what they keep saying no. what should president biden say to president netanyahu and their call? >> biden has been rock solid ironclad support for israel. he will want to make sure israel is doing everything they can behind the scenes to keep these negotiations alive. he is also going to say we do support you whatever you need to do. i think our administration understands that israel has to keep the military piece in place to maintain any leverage over hamas. israel or to back off right now you can be sure hamas would not sign that deal is really military pressure and diplomatic pressure from that u.s., the region and the world needs to go on hamas to get them to send that deal.
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sue 5:30 the hostages freed immediately and the fighting to stop. dr. rebecca grant thank you as always. we will be right back with more news after this. and looking to buy life insurance on a fixed budget, remember the three p's. what are the three p's? the three p's of life insurance on a fixed budget are price, price, and price. a price you can afford, a price that can't increase, and a price that fits your budget. i'm 54. what's my price? you can get coverage for $9.95 a month. i'm 65 and take medications. what's my price? also $9.95 a month. i just turned 80. what's my price? $9.95 a month for you too. if you're age 50 to 85, call now about the #1 most popular whole life insurance plan
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eric: arizona prosecutors are waiting to convict an arizona
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rancher accused of killing an unarmed migrant on his property. even after the case went to mistrial a jury could not decide on a verdict. christina coleman live it with the very latest on this case. >> tomorrow prosecutors inform the judge a plan to refile the case during a status hearing. this comes after judge thomas declared a mistrial last week. citing the jury's inability to reach a verdict. arizona rancher pleaded guilty to second-degree murder. gabriel quinn in this case they were was he was on art and with a group of migrants when kelly recklessly open fired on them for about 100 yards away with an ak-47. killing quinn, in january last year. however defense attorney larkin says the 75 drilled rancher feared for his life fired warning shots into the air. not directly at the group. his wife testified she saw
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several men dressed in camouflage carrying rifles and backpacks. about 100 yards away from their home that day. the defense says kelly does not believe the warning shots could have possibly hit a person or because their death break in the status hearing in this case is scheduled for tomorrow afternoon. eric: alr all right christina, thanks so much. arthel: oh well, that is it for now. we have more coming up because we are going to be back at 4:00 p.m. eastern. the two of us and in the meantime we've got mike emanuel owell with a lot of news coming up from washington d.c. and so, you i'm happy to see you pretty have been busy covering the trial. eric: it has been yes i've been down at the trial. it has been, man oh man, back there tomorrow morning 6:00 a.m. live right here. through the all right thank you for watching us right now everybody. ♪
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